Products >> Scales >> DLD FlowMeter

DLD Flow Meter   Model DLD-2.5   Model DLD-6.5
3NDLD Solid Flowmeter is a kind of continously weighing and feeding device. It is commonly used in the field like chemical, building materials, metallurgy and mine. It is suit for conveying, weighing and feeding non-sticky, scatter granule and powder materials. In case of cement plant, it is usualy used in pulling raw material powder into the tail of kiln. 3NDLD Solid Flowmeter is controlled by 3N0405/MK0405 controller. The feedrate is set by keyboard or by analog input, also by center controlling room (DCS).

Weighing Precision:±1~2%(with pre-feeding unit)
Control Precision: ±1~2%(with pre-feeding unit)
Feeding Capacity:  5~600t/h
Materials: Powder(For instance: Raw material podwer, fine slag powder)

Controller specification
Precision: Better than 0.1%
Power Supply:  220VAC -15/+10%;50HZ±2%;30W
Dimension for cabinet:  430×105(width by height)
for wall:   520×365×150(width by height by deepth)

Gravity Input: MV grade signal from high precision load cell.
Totalize permit: Totallizing while this signal is on.
Control voltage: 10±5%VDC
Total Display: LED/LCD, minimum digit 0.1t。
Flow Display:LED/LCD, Unit: T/hour or Kilo/minute.
Sub-Total Pulse: could be set from 0-9999 kilos, when the sub-total up to the set value, a pulse will be send out for externel totalization.
Current Output: 4~20mA or 0~20mA,( isolated output ).
Maximum Flow: In case of flow exceed this set value, contact output.
Minimum Flow: In case of flow lower than this set value, contact output.
Communication: RS485,PROFIEBUS-DP( Optional ).